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JarunCup Results


You can find results & standings at


naturel logoThe 11th edition of Jarun Cup couldn't be held without sponsors, that is why we would like to introduce you and at the same time thank AWT International - a distributor of Naturel products, on long-term support in tournament organization. Below you may find two of the pile of Naturel products you will surely encounter during the tournament :)

zagreb logoWe have something really special for you guys! We asked our old friend Antonio D'Ovidio representing Italian team of CUS Cassino Gaeta, to play a bit and be your tourist guide for 5 minutes :) Below you may find loads of useful information on where to go after the games, where to eat, what to drink and where to have fun in Zagreb (and even around it)! We guarantee Zagreb can really impress you:

Kontesa Nera logoIt’s time to introduce some Croatian teams! Jarun Cup is a tournament with quite significant number of home teams among which there is a Croatian oldest women’s club - WBHC Kontesa Nera. They will start their season with our tournament – who knows, maybe this season will be even better that the previous one :) We took advantage of having short interview with Kontesa's team leader – Sanja Horvat and asked for both 2018 season goals and past achievements.

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